PASS Information - ps:®knock-out

PASS knock-out technology

In the daily life, installers and electricians are confronted with the challenge to position cables in the correct position of an electrical case. Therefore knock-outs punched into the sheets are designed to make it easier for the installer to remove on-site knock-outs that best fit their needs.

Disadvantages of this process:

  • Knock-outss next to the bending area are not possible to make as the standard knock-out tools would deform the knock-out.
  • The connections made by production of the knock-out feature a very high sharp-edged burr when breaking out the slug. This can damage the cable at time of assemble.
  • The remove of the slug can only be made in ONE direction (direction of knock-out).

With the ps:®knock-out cold forming and flattening technology of PASS Stanztechnik AG the slug is no longer held with tabs but with a defined ring ligament. At the flattening operation the slug is sheared off and pressed back into the cold formed area.

The advantage of this operation can be seen in the defined knock-outs next to the formed area. The knock-outs can be removed from either side as only the “cold-forming area” has to be observed. Furthermore no sharp-edged connections appear after the remove of the slug.
Characteristically, the defined knock-outs can’t only be seen considerably after the varnishing of the cabinet. The appearance of the sheet cabinet won’t be influenced essentially with the PASS knock-out technology.

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PASS Stanztechnik AG

Am Steinkreuz 2
D 95473 Creußen

Phone: +49 9270/985 - 0
Fax: +49 9270/985 - 99
Email: info(at)