PASS Information - ps:®tab-variety

For producing connecting tabs

Producing tabs is omnipresent in the sheet metal industry. Tabs are basically used for connecting two components.

In order to join sheets together, secure overlapping connections can be used. Our PASS Klick tool offers the possibility to create the corresponding tab.

There is also the opportunity to produce tabs for form-fitting joint connections of two sheets with the PASS Easy Zip Tool using the zipping procedure.

There are almost no limits to the variety of tabs: Triangular forms, double tabs, earthing tabs or other special embossings in tabs are consistently demanded and realised.

Also tabs with reinforced beads are possible and find their application predominantely in the area of furniture, shop and case construction.


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PASS Stanztechnik AG

Am Steinkreuz 2
D 95473 Creußen

Phone: +49 9270/985 - 0
Fax: +49 9270/985 - 99
Email: info(at)